
Summer's Last Light

If you're a hiker in the PNW, you've seen Snow Lake. But what's just beyond? Gem Lake is a cute little glacial blue lake that deserves it's name. Little did we know this was to be our final camping trip for the season before fall rains settled in. The shot of the girl was randomly snapped as I ran down the trail. Sunset is at Gem Lake, of course. Good memories of warm summer sun, ripe huckleberries for breakfast picked right outside the tent, leaping into an ice-cold lake, hearing peak climbers yelling, "F***!! There's not enough rope!", discovering the EV button on my camera (you'll notice my shots begin to get better after this point), and learning from another hiker that we shared our little hillside with a bear, and last, but not least, laughing until I nearly peed watching the dog try to levitate as she adjusted to wearing her hiking booties!

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