
Art and Fear

"Making art provides uncomfortably accurate feedback about the gap that inevitably exists between what you intended to do, and what you did. In fact, if artmaking did not tell you (the maker) so enormously much about yourself, then making art that matters to you would be impossible. To all viewers but yourself, what matters is the product: the finished artwork. To you, and you alone, what matters is the process: the experience of shaping your artwork. The viewers' concerns are not your concerns (although it's dangerously easy to adopt their attitudes.) Their job is whatever it is: to be moved by art, to be entertained by it, to make a killing off it, whatever. Your job is to learn to work on your work."

— Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland.



... do I do it?

I don't say much about my work, even actively deflect interest, under the presumption that it speaks for itself. You'll connect or click on, its the nature of www. Still, the void of words belies a deep passion.

I first noticed that "something" walking along the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, alone but for the company of dog and iPod. Somewhere between the trailhead and that new awareness, I had lost the daily accumulation of tension. Gone. Melted away. The air was clean, colors were vivid, and life was thriving everywhere my eyes rested. Peace. Simplicity. Renewal... It was gorgeous! I wanted to capture it, steal a piece of it's soul to keep with me back in the realm of rush hour, deadlines, egos, and responsibilities. Not only that, I couldn't get enough of pounding the trail, ever anxious to see beyond the next switchback or ridge for that next breath-taking sight.

And so, I became a photographer. And a hiker. The last 2 years have been quite a technical learning curve as I struggle to master this medium of light and pixels. And the resulting photos are my mementos of the unabashed natural richness I am so fortunate to be surrounded by.

But words, especially my words, will never come close to bringing you this experience of wilderness that is so much food for my soul. I hope the images inspire you to visit these places for yourself, and that you have the opportunity to fall deeply and completely in love with the wild.


Rosario Beach


Full moon eclipse

A full moon + no clouds in Seattle = once in a lifetime eclipse!


Along 101


When the sun don't shine...

When the sun don't shine, create your own light!